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  • Digital Business Strategy

  • The Ultimate Guide to Learn Digital Marketing and Marketing Automation with a Practical Approach
  • De : Aaron Claude Willard
  • Lu par : William Harvey Jr.
  • Durée : 3 h et 11 min

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Digital Business Strategy

De : Aaron Claude Willard
Lu par : William Harvey Jr.
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    If you want to learn effective strategies in digital marketing, keep listening:

    Did you Google something today? Or check your Facebook and Instagram newsfeed? Did you see the funny video that went viral? If you did any of these things, then you’re inevitably a part of the digital world and so are your customers.

    Your brand is not about your company logo. It is not about advertising alone. It is not about corporate identity, either. Your brand is about passion, belonging, confidence, security, and action. A set of unique values that define your company, but your customers are not going to see all of that if you don’t deliver your message effectively enough. That’s where your digital strategy comes into play.

    Digital strategy or digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via an electronic media. By using digital channels and methods, you can analyze your marketing campaigns to understand what is working and what isn’t, typically in real time.

    A digital strategy is a form of strategic management and a business answer or response to a digital question, often best addressed as part of an overall business strategy. A digital strategy is often characterized by the application of new technologies to existing business activities. It also focuses on the enablement of new digital capabilities to businesses. A digital strategy can be formulated and implemented through a variety of different approaches, which is what you’re going to uncover in this guide.

    Your strategy is going to turn your goals and vision into reality, and it is imperative that you get it right. All the marketing initiatives that were once carried out the traditional way now need to be transferred to the digital space because that’s where the future is. 

    Digital Business Strategy is going to take an insightful look at: 

    • An in-depth look at digital marketing and why your businesses needs it 
    • The job scope of a digital marketer and what’s expected of them 
    • How digital marketing works for businesses 
    • The types of content you should be creating 
    • Why a proper digital strategy in place is needed for your business 
    • The budget and mistakes you need to avoid 
    • An understanding of marketing automation and why your business needs it
    • The benefits of automation and the tools you should be investing in 
    • Successful strategies to implement 
    • Automation mistakes and how to avoid them

    For your business to thrive in the digital era, you need to identify the opportunities and/or challenges in a business where online assets can provide a solution.

    ©2020 Aaron Claude Willard (P)2020 Aaron Claude Willard

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