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Couverture de Difficult


De : R.L. Mathewson
Lu par : Katie Schorr, Chris Kipiniak
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    Surviving high school was going to be hard enough, but surviving telling the one girl that he couldn’t live without how he felt was going to be one of the most difficult things that Sebastian Bradford was ever going to do.

    From New York Times and USA Today’s best-selling author R.L. Mathewson comes the second novel in the Neighbor from Hell Chronicles YA series that will bring it all back, leaving you unable to help but smile as you remember the first time that you fell in love.

    For years, Sebastian has been lying to himself, doing whatever it took to convince himself that Mikey was just his best friend and the pain in the ass that he couldn’t stop thinking about; and now...

    He would do absolutely anything to stop screwing this up, but that probably wasn’t going to happen, not with his brother determined to help him. With every soul-crushing piece of advice his brother threw his way, Sebastian found himself thinking about everything that he had to lose if Mikey didn’t feel the same way and wondered if he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life.

    The glaring was definitely starting to concern her, but Mikey had bigger problems to worry about than her best friend suddenly acting weird around her, like the teenage girl and her minions going out of their way to make her life a living hell. She couldn’t risk losing her scholarship, not when it meant that she would never be able to do the one thing that she loved more than anything again.

    ©2022 R.L. Mathewson (P)2024 Audible, Inc.

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