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  • Dick Sutphen's Diet and Fitness

  • Lose Weight Now, Back to the Cause of Being Overweight, and Subliminal Perfect Weight, Perfect Body
  • De : Dick Sutphen
  • Lu par : Dick Sutphen
  • Durée : 2 h et 22 min

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Dick Sutphen's Diet and Fitness

De : Dick Sutphen
Lu par : Dick Sutphen
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    Dick Sutphen was America’s foremost psychic researcher. A leading past-life therapist, he was a best-selling author and lecturer. A specialist in brain/mind technology, he instructed medical professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Now you can experience three of his classic subliminal hypnotic programs.

    DO NOT USE WHILE DRIVING or while doing other things. This audio will generate a dreamy state of mind.

    *Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of each session.

    • Get comfortable lying down or sitting up and assure that you won’t be interrupted.
    • Unwind by breathing deeply for several minutes then play the audio
    • Send relaxing sensations into each part of your body and imagine the situations described.
    • If for any reason you need to awaken before the session is complete, verbally count yourself up from one to five and say the words, “Wide awake.”

    For the first time in audio, is Lose Weight Now. You are programmed with subliminal suggestions embedded in the music as your body relaxes. You now control your weight; Every day you become thinner and thinner; You eat only healthy foods and quit all snacking; You stick to your diet, live a healthy lifestyle and fulfill your goals; “Thin” is your key word.

    Back to the Cause of Being Overweight helps you discover if something that whether in this life or a past-life, is causing your subconscious mind to block and override your attempts to lose weight. With past-life and present-life regression finding the cause can help you to release the effect.

    Subliminal Perfect Weight, Perfect Body requires that you open your mind as you absorb the suggestions embedded in the music. Only your subconscious will hear these suggestions: You now lose weight; You stick to your decisions and your diet; The real you is thin and healthy; You eat only healthy foods and you eat only at mealtimes; Your mind helps you obtain your weight-loss goals; You now have the power and ability to attain a perfect weight and body; You eat healthy foods and you smaller portions; You stick to your diet; You live a healthy lifestyle

    ©2024 Dick Sutphen (P)2024 G&D Media

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