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Diary of an Ordinary Housewife

De : Maile Page
Lu par : Maile Page
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"What if you were just an ordinary housewife?" The question struck me at my core like a punch to the gut. It would take me 10 years, a career change, a divorce, a debilitating injury, and an intense inner emptiness that persisted no matter what my external circumstances, to answer.

Throughout my journey, I would discover how blurred the borders of "reality" really are. I experienced everything from feeling cysts the size of grapefruits dissolve under my hands, being able to see colorful emissions from our energy bodies, witnessing how repetitive thoughts materialize as body pain and disease, discovering there are alternate realities we bounce in and out of every second, and much more.

This honeymoon period of wonderment and discovery would eventually leave me with the same feelings of deep sadness and inadequacy that haunted me at the start of this amazing journey. I would realize that finding myself in "extraordinary doings" would always leave me with a feeling of inadequacy, as my true identity was not a “doing” but a “being.”

I would learn that buried within all those extraordinary experiences was a constant something that remained, no matter the circumstances in my life. That seemingly “ordinary” presence didn’t change or end: It just waited for me to notice it.

When we embrace our ordinariness, we embrace our connection to All That Is, and take residence in that which unites and empowers us all. In taking this journey, you too will discover for yourself the power within that can never be destroyed or taken away. When you discover this, you will regain your rightful state of inner peace: the piece within.

©2022 Maile Page Vanderford (P)2022 Maile Page Vanderford
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