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  • Diary of a H.O. (House Officer)

  • A Collection of Short Stories from a Surgeon's First Year of Training
  • De : Dr. Brandon Green
  • Lu par : Sarah Mariza
  • Durée : 5 h et 37 min

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Diary of a H.O. (House Officer)

De : Dr. Brandon Green
Lu par : Sarah Mariza
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    This book could save your life!

    If you've ever wondered what it's like working at a hospital Level 1 trauma center, this book offers unfiltered, true stories that occurred during a surgeon's first year of training. The book offers insight into 21st-century modern health care and the state of society. You will laugh, cry, and question your beliefs about the health-care system and patients. Listen to this before you go to the doctor the next time, and share this information with your family. 

    The short stories are real occurrences that happened to the author and his other two co-interns in one residency year. The author, under the pseudonym Dr. Brandon Green, broke ties with the publisher who wanted to adjust the stories to meet societal norms. The names and locations have been changed to provide privacy protection and follow HIPPA guidelines. The author hopes to continue dialogue and discussion on stories from behind the scenes at hospitals, clinics, and in the operating rooms. 

    It's beneficial to communicate with colleagues and other health-care professionals and staff running into similar circumstances on a day-to-day basis. This is a work of sociology, psychology, medicine, surgery, dealing with the public, putting others in front of yourself, and self-reflective learning. Thank you for taking the time to listen and understand what’s happening in modern health-care training.

    ©2020 KPE LLC (P)2022 KPE LLC

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