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Couverture de Diamond Cut

Diamond Cut

De : Thomas B. Cavanagh
Lu par : Christin Reinmuth
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    To find a missing girl, Sandy must return to the insidious places she once worked tirelessly to escape

    Sandy Corrigan used to be called Diamond. She used to live in an apartment with other girls like her, though she rarely slept there, instead spending her evenings in hotel rooms around Orlando with lonely, unfaithful men. That is, until the incident.

    But despite the personal hell she endured, the nightmarish crisis saved her from a life spent in strangers' beds. Sandy now spends her evenings reading to her six-year-old son, Tyler, and her days working for her brother' s private investigation business.

    Despite severing all ties to her former life, a girl from her past reappears and asks Sandy to investigate the disappearance of a young call girl. Unsure of whether or not the girl is alive, and wary of the past traumas the investigation could bring to the surface, Sandy takes the case. What she doesn' t expect to discover is a sordid web of corruption, sex, and murder, and she soon grows more entangled with each step she takes. Can she survive the horrors she thought she escaped years ago?

    Perfect for fans of Sue Grafton and Lisa Gardner

    ©2024 Thomas B. Cavanagh (P)2024 Thomas B. Cavanagh

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