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Couverture de Demystifying Program Management

Demystifying Program Management

De : Phill Akinwale
Lu par : Gary Bartley
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    Program management is an essential aspect of any organization that deals with complex, long-term projects. Program managers are responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of these projects while ensuring they align with the organization's strategic goals. However, program management can often be daunting, especially for those who are new to the field. Demystifying program management is the first step towards understanding its fundamental definitions and practices.

    In this book, we aim to simplify program management by providing a comprehensive guide that breaks down its core concepts and practices. We will explore how program management fits into an organization's overall strategy and examine the key competencies required of a program manager.

    Through practical examples and case studies, we will illustrate how program management can be implemented in various industries and sectors, including construction, engineering, IT, and government. Our goal is to equip listeners with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand program management and its many facets.

    Whether you are new to program management or seeking to deepen your understanding, this book will provide you with a practical and accessible road map to demystify program management and help you succeed in your role.

    ©2023 Praizion Media (P)2023 Praizion Media

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