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De : Tom G.H. Adams
Lu par : Tom Adams
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    Merrick Whyte is the psychonaut, mind reader, master of the gateways, and destroyer of worlds. He is also bereft of power, stolen by Aiwass, the dark demigod, for reasons which are far from clear. But Aiwass is explicit about the impending uncreation of the multiverse - an atrocity machinated by Orthon, a first-order demon. To avert this abomination, Merrick is tasked with seeking out the Dancer - an emissary of Orthon and member of a swelling infestation of adepts called the Enclave. This will prove to be just the start of a treacherous road.

    Merrick’s journey will lead him to worlds both bizarre and mind-unhinging. It will see demigods threaten those closest to him and the return of old enemies. It will be opposed by a fanatical group intent on destroying any adept possessing magical powers, including Merrick himself.

    Aided by the Outcasts and Hierophant allies, Merrick will seize objects of power and learn arcane invocations never before granted to mortals. But even these may not suffice. For, Orthon is always a step ahead, and no one has ever slain a demon before. Above all, a psychonaut can often be his own worst enemy. 

    Demonslayer is the second book in Tom G.H. Adams’ The Psychonaut Trilogy.

    "Adams constructs a story that flows and keeps the pages flipping." (Literary Titan)

    "The action is fast-paced, balancing the edge between thriller/ horror/ urban fantasy, concocting a rich melange from the various genres." (Matthew Gomez, co-editor of Broadswords and Blasters)

    "Tom Adams weaves a web of unpredictable mayhem and carnage with a dash of poetic wordplay." (Chris McLoughlin, author of Kobe)

    ©2018 Tom G.H. Adams (P)2018 Tom G.H. Adams

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