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Couverture de Demon Mage: Book 1

Demon Mage: Book 1

De : D. Levesque
Lu par : Kat Riley, Boise Blue
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    Brian was a book lover, always seeking the solace of dusty bookstores and the scent of well-worn pages. His tastes veered towards contemporary fiction, but he couldn't resist the allure of antiquated shops filled with stories from ages past. Fate intervened on one such visit when a seemingly ordinary book tumbled from a shelf and struck him, becoming slightly damaged in the process.

    The shop owner insisted he purchases the book, charging an exorbitant price that left Brian stunned. Little did he know, this was no ordinary tome—it was a lost grimoire, a powerful artifact capable of summoning demons.

    Late one night, engrossed in the mysterious text, Brian unwittingly summoned an Imp. The creature was haughty and insubordinate, deeming itself superior to Brian due to its previous role as the assistant of a powerful Demon Lord from over 5,000 years ago.

    With great reluctance, the Imp aided Brian in summoning his first Succubus, marking a turning point in his life. He soon found himself immersed in a hidden world of Demon Mages, all vying for control of the grimoire and the immense power it held. But, where he thought his Succubus would be a beautiful demon willing to do whatever he wished in bed, he found out that outside it, she was, shall we say, different.

    Thrust into a realm of seductive demons and dangerous adversaries, Brian must navigate this treacherous landscape, unsure whether his new reality will ultimately bring fortune or ruin. One thing was certain—life would never be the same again.

    ©2023 D. Levesque (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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