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Couverture de Delve-ing into Cultural Humility

Delve-ing into Cultural Humility

De : Cindy Anne Mathers
Lu par : Cindy Anne Mathers
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    Creating a Nation That Is Fair for Us All

    Cindy Mathers has experienced firsthand the impact of our traumatized, fragmented and broken systems on First Nations people, and indeed us all. She has been mentored by and worked collaboratively with First Nations people for over two decades, learning through respect, deep listening, and truth telling.

    After repeated experiences of burnout, she began searching for solutions outside of current systems. Through personal and ancestral healing, extensive research, and study, she learned that the disrespect and disregard of human rights of the First Nations people at the time of colonization created wounds that remain in our collective psyche and are passed down through generations.

    In DELVE-ing into Cultural Humility, Mathers shares a learning pathway forward, based on respect and deep listening. She created the DELVE formula as a collaborative way to implement change in our nation:

    Deconstruct—how did we get here as a nation?

    Explore—the impact of abuse of Human Rights on us all

    Listen—and learn, with deep presence to the stories of First Nations people

    Viable—what First Nations-led / collaborative initiatives are working?

    Energise—what works and fund community-led, place-based initiatives

    In this audiobook, you will see a snapshot of what is possible when we engage the DELVE formula. By applying this pathway to her real-life projects and experiences, Mathers has created a succinct and practical resource for those who wish to learn Cultural Humility and become part of creating a new nation that respects the Human Rights of all.

    ©2023 Cindy Anne Mathers (P)2024 Cindy Anne Mathers

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