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De : Mike Adams
Lu par : Rachanee Lumayno
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A gauntlet to run and a race to the top!

It's just over 10 days into an invasion by the alien Rift and their Andoval mercenaries and Commander Rick Cassidy and Gunnery Sergeant Molly Pickford have ramped up the pressure on the students and teachers to see just how far they can push them. Just how fierce are these girls?

For Cassidy, Pickford, and the other survivors of the Cairo who are trapped in a high mountain valley with little hope of rescue, the warming early summer weather coincides with the end of the Pickford designed-hell-week for the students and staff members, now called trainees, from the New Hope Academy.

A first victory is celebrated but the alien Rift and their Andoval mercenaries regroup after losing the battle for McKinley Pass and plan for their attack on Winter Haven.

Secrets are hard to keep when smart, nosy teenagers start poking around.

A catastrophic flood may spell a premature end for the survivors of the Cairo. Mother Nature may do them in before the aliens or predators get a chance.

The Colonial Rangers realize that guns and bullets aren't the only weapons they have to use against the aliens.

If you liked the first books of the Fierce Girls At War series you will love Deluge, the 7th installment of the saga of the fierce girls' war against the aliens. Click the "Buy Now" button and continue your journey now!

©2018, 2020 Mike Adams (P)2020 Mike Adams
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    "Back on Earth my dad was an engineer on a Navy Ship and wanted me to join the RAN. I said I don't want my bed moving under me unless it's me and my partner makin it move. So, I joined the Air Force so I can fly during the day and sleep on land every night. So where do I end up? The engineer on a busted shuttle floatin' on the ocean of an alien planet! But no worries, mate! This is a tough bird and we probably wont drown out here. Were more like to starve to death first." (Master Sergeant Mindy Taylor, shuttle engineer, shot down 2 days before invasion day, Ranger Regiment, New Hope Colony, Tau Ceti 4, Australia)

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