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  • Deliverance from the Bondage of the Spirit Husbands and Wives (Incubus and Succubus)

  • A Divine Solution to Sexual Abuse or Attacks in the Dream
  • De : Augustine Ayodeji Origbo
  • Lu par : Allan G. Smith
  • Durée : 1 h et 51 min

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Deliverance from the Bondage of the Spirit Husbands and Wives (Incubus and Succubus)

De : Augustine Ayodeji Origbo
Lu par : Allan G. Smith
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    The spirit wife and husband phenomenon, though not often spoken about by many, is one of the most dangerous avenues through which Satan and his demons access life, homes, and other various life institutions to cause both physical and spiritual damages to mankind. 

    Many today are having very strange experiences with spiritual husband and wife, but instead of finding a way to deal with them, they are practically enjoying it and ignorantly suffering the consequences. They do not know that every relationship with a demonic being, either consciously or unconsciously, will lead to serious demonic possession, control, and several other evil consequences. 

    Certain experiences like life disorganization, marital unfaithfulness, divorce, late marriage, business failure, disoriented homes, demonic soul ties, soul or spirit pollution by a demonic spirit, and ministerial pitfall all have their roots in the attack or operations of spiritual husband/wife. Until you understand their mode of operation and how to avoid their evil influence in your life, you may never be able to fully fulfill your destiny here on earth. 

    This little book is an eye-opener to the various operations of these sexual demons call incubus and succubus. It will not only open your eyes to the truth behind this spiritual phenomenon, but it will also help you to permanently destroy their stronghold and terminate their operations in your life. Stay blessed as you listen!

    ©2018 Augustine Ayodeji Origbo (P)2021 Augustine Ayodeji Origbo

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