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Couverture de Deliverance from Pornography Addiction

Deliverance from Pornography Addiction

De : Augustine Ayodeji Origbo
Lu par : Allan G. Smith
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    If there is an audiobook on Earth today that exposes the secret behind pornography and the most effective solution to its addiction, it is this book you are about to listen to. Among the numerous and dangerous habits that Satan is sending into human life on earth, today pornography is the strongest and most difficult to tame if addicted to. This practice, unknown to many, is orchestrated by Satan in collaboration with other sexual demons whose aim is to rob his victim of their virtue in order to trade them in the spiritual market. 

    This book exposes the numerous avenues, both physically and spiritually, through which the spirit of pornography can unknowingly access life to make addicts victims. The book also contains 10 effective solutions to pornography addiction and over 100 prayers that will help you recover all that you have lost during your addiction.

    ©2014 Ayodeji Augustine Origbo (P)2021 Ayodeji Augustine Origbo

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