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  • Degrees of Separation: Draykerr's Daughter

  • The Eyes of Freya, Book 14
  • De : Bonnie Turner
  • Lu par : Emily Clarke
  • Durée : 2 h et 12 min

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Degrees of Separation: Draykerr's Daughter

De : Bonnie Turner
Lu par : Emily Clarke
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    Queen La'Bell, a Luckelee Fairy, the notoriously wicked Lavender Queen of Skye, spent 6000 years disrupting kingdoms and cursing the lands of her enemies, altering entire species of those she envied or hated.

    La'Bell realizes she must relinquish those stolen powers to save herself from eternal damnation, so she starts using all her stolen powers to reverse her bad decisions.

    Two thousand years ago, the Viking girl Freya used to clean the slate with the Father and his children Banyan and Zyanna. Freya is the one Banyan is obsessed with, so La'Bell gives Freya the powers of immortality, but the gift causes the girl to be entrapped for 2000 years.

    After Freya is at last freed, it is Ava, the Dragon's Daughter's turn to be fooled into La'Bell's enchantment. La'Bell needed the naïve girl to kill her former lover and her daughter, Serri Sherea, and eradicate the entire species at Hora Baciu Forrest.

    There is not much difference in controlling Freya and Ava, but for the Dragon, Draykerr will follow his child to the gates of hell to bring her home.

    Book 14 of The Eyes of Freya series only proves that what you thought you knew about the enemy is a path going elsewhere.

    ©2021 Bonnie N. Turner (P)2023 Bonnie N. Turner

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