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  • Defeating the Powers of Witchcraft

  • Dominion Over a Familiar Enemy
  • De : M. S. Cross
  • Lu par : Carrie Lyn
  • Durée : 35 min

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Defeating the Powers of Witchcraft

De : M. S. Cross
Lu par : Carrie Lyn
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    It is important to understand that spirits cannot operate on the Earth except a human person grants them access and therefore witchcraft is one of the devil's most effective avenues of entrance into human affairs.

    Witches work with familiar spirits solely to dominate, manipulate, and destroy—when an individual is under the influence of witchcraft, he or she becomes a slave and thus expresses the will of the person casting these spells and curses on him. In essence, his life no longer becomes his own, and he only lives to express the desires, will, and intellect of another person. Witches are ruthless and without conscience, and what makes their evil acts so effective is that they're close to their victims and know exactly where to target to cause them the most harm and agony. It is important to note that the spirits witches work with love human suffering since it's from whence they are empowered. The more agony their victims go through, the more empowered the spirits enforcing these curses and spells becomes and the higher the ranking for both the spirit and the witch. This is so because, in the demonic realm, ranking is solely centered on an individual's capacity to do evil, the more evil a being is capable of the higher he is ranked. This is clearly stated in Ephesians 6:12 as the ancient apostle clearly outlines the devil's demonic hierarchy, starting from principalities and going high up to the spiritual host of wickedness in high places. Witches afflict, torture, and demoralize; these are so evil that even God himself declared a sentence of death on them, he thus states "suffer not a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18). They are responsible for rejections, blockages, unexplained sicknesses, poverty, etc. In fact, poverty is witchcraft's major trademark, and most times, the people who practice witchcraft also live in abject poverty. These are anti-progress, and they flourish in backwardness and deep-rooted suffering.

    This audiobook exposes the methods witches use to keep their victims in perpetual bondage and captivity and it also reveals the signs and symptoms of witchcraft operation and how to be free from them.

    ©2022 M. S. Cross (P)2022 M. S. Cross

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