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Couverture de Deep Sleep the Mindfulness Way

Deep Sleep the Mindfulness Way

De : Lynda Hudson
Lu par : Lynda Hudson
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    Mindfulness meditations are a gentle yet effective way to learn to notice, acknowledge and let go of unwanted thoughts and feelings instead of letting them control you. Enjoy calm, comfort and relaxation as you learn this skill of merely noticing uninvited thoughts and simply letting the thoughts pass by instead of engaging with them in any way. 

    Create a template of deep sleep while in a meditation state and then know that sleep itself reinforces this template so each night the pattern of drifting into deep sleep automatically repeats itself. The meditation is enhanced with powerful hypnotic suggestions for helping you sleep deeply all through the night. This recording uses state-of-the-art technology and can be used with and without headphones. Regular listening at bedtime is the key to success!

    Lynda's gentle English voice calms and reassures as you listen. As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years' standing, she has helped thousands of people worldwide through her audios. She has been featured in the press and on TV and radio and is the author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults.

    ©2018 Lynda Hudson (P)2018 Firstway Forward Audiobooks

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