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Couverture de Decisions


De : Mya Rusch
Lu par : Nicholas Pare
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    A debut for fans of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters Series and Christen Warren's books, this is a new supernatural series.

    Olivia and her brothers were born into a world where supernaturals and humans exist together. The problem: Humans don't know of their existence. Her and her siblings are forced to follow rules that have not changed since the beginning, and it doesn't sit well with one of her brothers, who chooses to go rogue and tries to make a change. In this new series filled with action, betrayal, romance, and sex, you'll fall in love with the characters, root for your favorite, and wish you were the partner to one.

    LGBT, straight, and anything in between.

    My name is Mya Rusch and I have been writing stories for as long as I've been able to write sentences. I have a BA degree minoring in English and visual arts. I have always enjoyed writing, and this is the first real series that meant so much to me that I wanted to share it with the world. I wanted to be able to show others my talents as a writer; I myself have fallen in love with some of my characters and I hope you do as well. The best thing I feel about writing is it takes me out of the real world and into a fantasy one for a little while, letting me forget sometimes what is real and what is fantasy. I hope you, as the listener, enjoy this series as much as I have writing it and that you continue to listen to my work.

    Also, don't forget to check out one of my fellow authors, Paris Cavanah, who writes the Hypernova series.

    ©2021 Mya Rusch (P)2023 Mya Rusch

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