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  • Death in the Downline

  • A Novel
  • De : Maria Abrams
  • Durée : 10 h

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Couverture de Death in the Downline

Death in the Downline

De : Maria Abrams
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    It’s multi-level MURDER in this darkly funny mystery novel about the glamorous world of MLM “huns"—and the dangerous secrets at the top of the pyramid.

    Drew thought she was destined to rise above her small New Jersey hometown and make it as a serious journalist in New York City. But now she’s back in Clearfield, pushing thirty, newly single, and living with her father.

    After a chance encounter at the grocery store, she reconnects with her ex-best friend, Steph, who married young and never left their hometown. But Steph looks … good. She’s tanned, clear-skinned, and glowing. She drives an expensive car and wears only name-brands. What’s her secret? A multi-level marketing scheme called LuminUS that’s taken the ladies of Clearfield by storm. With nothing left to lose, Drew gets sucked into this glamorous world of downlines, sales parties, and girls’ trips.

    But when a LuminUS distributor dies under mysterious circumstances, can Drew uncover the dark secret at the heart of the organization—and save her best friend—before it’s too late?

    Laugh-out-loud funny and a pitch-perfect skewering of pyramid schemes, Death in the Downline is a book that will have listeners nodding in recognition and cheering for Drew until the cathartic conclusion.

    ©2025 Maria Abrams (P)2025 Blackstone Publishing

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