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  • Death in Copper Town

  • A Small Town Police Procedural Set in the American Southwest - The Pegasus Quincy Mystery Series, Book 1
  • De : Lakota Grace
  • Lu par : Amy Otteson
  • Durée : 8 h

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Death in Copper Town

De : Lakota Grace
Lu par : Amy Otteson
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    Pegasus Quincy, a rookie deputy on temporary assignment in a sleepy mountain town, expects a quiet summer citing jaywalkers and writing traffic tickets. Fate intervenes when a dead body turns up in an old copper mining pit.

    The man is a three-time loser disowned by even his own mother. Peg’s sheriff boss declares the death an accident and tells her to “move on”. She wants to agree, but then her office is ransacked and her assistant kidnapped.

    When Peg herself is assaulted, she convinces her safe-cracking grandfather to break the law one last time to help her. Will they find the killer before he strikes again?

    Set against the Southwest backdrop of summer monsoons in the high desert plateau of Arizona, this fast-paced mystery, at times humorous and romantic, tells the story of a young woman at odds with herself. 

    Peg must ultimately decide which comes first: her family, her job, or her life.

    Book 1 of the Pegasus Quincy Mystery Series.

    ©2017 Lakota Lynn Grace (P)2019 Lakota Lynn Grace

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