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Couverture de Death at Darrington Manor

Death at Darrington Manor

De : Nancy Warren
Lu par : Katie Beudert
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    When intrepid reporter Abigail Dixon swaps Paris for an English manor to cover the wedding of the year, she expects afternoon tea on the lawn and cocktails in the drawing room, not a man lying dead in a stream and a woman strangled by her own silk stockings.

    Spring 1925. Abigail Dixon arrives in Somerset to report on the high-society wedding of an American car tycoon’s son and an English aristocrat’s daughter. But when a man is murdered on a trout-fishing expedition, and the quaint village abuzz with gossip of a local woman discovered dead in London, Abigail quickly finds herself entangled in a web of murder and scandal.

    As she investigates, Abigail unearths some dark secrets lurking within Darrington Manor and clues linking the two murders. From the lovelorn estate manager to a tight-lipped butler and local mechanic with an axe to grind, everyone is a possible suspect.

    Determined to expose the culprit, and with danger lurking at every turn, can Abigail unveil the truth before the ‘wedding of the year’ becomes the obituary column?

    Fans of Agatha Christie and Downton Abbey will devour this 1920s whodunit brimming with twists, red herrings, and charming period detail.

    ©2024 Nancy Warren (P)2024 Storm Publishing

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