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Couverture de Death and a New Day

Death and a New Day

De : Bryan Wilton
Lu par : Brian C. Rideout
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    Every man and woman will encounter numerous situations in life where they feel that they are seemingly helpless. We find ourselves unable to help someone we believe we love over some seemingly insurmountable hump in their life. We might begin to doubt our value to them. We might lose our perspective on things and begin to believe that we are “unhappy” because of who we are with. They may well be feeling the same way, though neither party wants to expose this weakness. It is in this instant when our thinking begins to compound the problem. 

    Our thoughts rise up, unbidden and unwelcomed, concerning past pain, old wounds, broken hearts, and the corruption of trust. They are as acid upon the bonds that allow love to thrive in a relationship. One would think that given the sheer number and complexity of ancient myths from around the world that there might be some example, some form of instruction as to how a man and woman might love each other. 

    From such grand designs and illustrations, many great lessons to live by have been extracted to the benefit of all. But not so with a relationship - perhaps, they are over our head. Perhaps, we are so wrapped up in even trying to have the courage to love that we never attend to the details of attempting to exist in that condition. One of wedded bliss so as to speak. Because, the instant it gets tough, or doubt is fostered by a friend, or things fail to go as we believed they should, it seems as if a tidal wave of negative emotion is standing by to deluge us with all the reasons we shouldn’t. 

    We begin to slowly poison our own best interest while at the same time, bargaining with ourselves that this is really okay. The slow death of our hearts as we concede to become victims. Surely, there must be some example of how to overcome such a bipolar state of existence for literally the most important thing which will ever happen to us in our lives. 

    Just how do we enjoy the happily ever after so prominent in our fairy tales, legends, and stories of our faith? This book is an attempt to answer these questions and many more. Building a loving interpersonal relationship that might last a lifetime is the hardest work we will ever do for the most beautiful thing that will occur in our life. Everything good in our life emerges from this union!

    ©2021 Bryan Wilton (P)2021 Bryan Wilton

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