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Couverture de Dear Son

Dear Son

De : Kevin J. Brown
Lu par : Eric Summers
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    A milestone work in a literary letter by one of the splendid minds of our time, Kevin J. Brown's book explores such profound questions as: What are the attributes of a good man or woman? Why we should cherish our family? Whose advice should we accept? Can an absent man lead his family - and can a woman lead alone? Is the judicial system for handling family separation in alignment with God's law and judgment? What are the indicators of a pending divorce - and how can you prevent it? How to detect true love? When should parents discipline - and how to do it correctly? When is the appropriate time for children to leave the nest? 

    Expressed in an endearing letter to his children, Dear Son exposes the vulnerability of a man who has lost his children. As he navigates his struggles, he comes to understand the importance of putting God first. With exciting narration and thoughtful scenarios, Kevin transports us on a candid journey of love and obedience as he shares his experiences of life separated from his family.

    ©2020 Kevin J. Brown (P)2021 Kevin J. Brown

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