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  • Dear Michael, Love Dad

  • Letters, laughter and all the things we leave unsaid.
  • De : Iain Maitland
  • Lu par : Michael Simkins
  • Durée : 8 h et 30 min

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Dear Michael, Love Dad

De : Iain Maitland
Lu par : Michael Simkins
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    A wonderfully written account of a father's relationship with his troubled son, as told through his funny, tender letters.

    In 2007 Michael Maitland left home for university, and in the years that followed he developed depression, OCD and, almost fatally, anorexia. It was only when Michael was taken to hospital in 2012, his body shutting down and his organs failing, that the family realised exactly what was happening.

    Later Iain was given a bundle of letters that had been carefully saved and tucked away in a drawer - the letters he had written to Michael regularly from the autumn of 2007, when he went to university. Dear Michael, Love Dad is a collection of these letters coupled with extracts from Michael's daily diaries from The Priory and behind-the-scenes commentary, exploring the story of a son's descent, a father's ignorance and stupidity and a once joyous family almost torn apart by tragedy.

    ©2016 Iain Maitland (P)2016 Hodder & Stoughton

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