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Couverture de Dear Heart

Dear Heart

De : Jenny Davis
Lu par : Rebecca Davis, Stuart Halusz
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Based on the love letters written by Jenny Davis' aunt Wynne to her young soldier husband over a four-year period during World War II, Dear Heart gives listeners a poignant and vital glimpse into the lives of women who were left behind while their men went off to fight. Narrator Stuart Halusz uses a thoughtful, sensitive tone as he describes the background and conditions that ordinary people faced during the war, whether at home or on the battlefield. His narration is complemented by Rebecca Davis' affecting, full-bodied performance: Her Wynne is alive and hopeful despite only receiving two replies, and although this story ends on a tragic note, listeners will find themselves unable to forget its emotional power.


    Between 1941 and 1945, Wynne Brooks waited for her young soldier husband, Mickey, to return to her. In all the time he was away she wrote to him - first daily, then weekly, never knowing his whereabouts. In 1945, at the end of the war, her letters were returned, their messages of comfort and love unread, bearing the War Office stamp "No Trace". Wynne's letters, discovered by her niece, Jenny Davis, in 1988, offer a valuable glimpse into the hearts and minds of the women waiting at home. Beautifully narrated by Rebecca Davis & Stuart Halusz, the stars of the stage version of the book.
    ©1998 Jenny Davis. (P)1999 Bolinda Publishing

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