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Couverture de Dear America

Dear America

De : Jose Antonio Vargas
Lu par : Jose Antonio Vargas
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    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, called “[T]he most famous undocumented immigrant in America”, tackles one of the defining issues of our time in this explosive and deeply personal call to arms.

    “This is not a book about the politics of immigration. This book - at its core - is not about immigration at all. This book is about homelessness, not in a traditional sense but in the unsettled, unmoored psychological state that undocumented immigrants like myself find ourselves in. This book is about lying and being forced to lie to get by; about passing as an American and as a contributing citizen; about families, keeping them together, and having to make new ones when you can’t. This book is about constantly hiding from the government and, in the process, hiding from ourselves. This book is about what it means to not have a home.

    "After 25 years of living illegally in a country that does not consider me one of its own, this book is the closest thing I have to freedom.” (Jose Antonio Vargas, from Dear America)

    ©2018 Undocumented LLC (P)2018 HarperCollins Publishers


    "Vargas's performance of his memoir is sincere, intelligent, and thoughtful.... Vargas exhibits passion and composure even as critics exhort him to 'get in line' to become a citizen - though no such path exists from his current status." (AudioFile)

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