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Couverture de Dealing with Teen Anxiety

Dealing with Teen Anxiety

De : Maggie Lovange, Renée Lovange
Lu par : Evah Hamilton
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    Do you want to get your teen out of their room and back into your life? If you feel you are losing control, then keep reading.

    Up to 44 percent of students reported having symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    If you have parented teens, you will know how challenging it can be. Today’s teenagers are experiencing a whole new raft of difficulties, and their anxiety levels are enormous.

    This audiobook shows a way through the storm. Using practical examples and a clear description of cognitive behavioural therapy techniques, Maggie has set out the how's and whys of maintaining communication, helping teenagers believe in themselves and successfully overcome anxiety. Maggie and her daughter, Renée, have made this audiobook from their own experience. A fierce love of her teen and a determination to push through all the difficulties led Maggie to challenge her parenting style, change her approach, and learn about the best psychological method to help both herself and her daughter.

    Renée’s contributions throughout the audiobook bring the dialogue to life, giving a valuable perspective. This audiobook shows how the most difficult relationships between parents and teens are salvageable and can lead to a bright future.

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    •How to get inside their thoughts to understand their anxiety.

    •Why teenagers react this way.

    •How the teenage brain works.

    •Application of cognitive behavioural therapy in everyday life.

    •How what makes us feel happy makes us addicted.

    •How to help your child be happy and confident.

    •What are teens thinking, but do not want to share with us?

    If you feel everything you do is in vain (punishment, praise, explanation), this is exactly the audiobook that will help you understand why this is no longer working, and how to change it without giving up your principles.

    Maggie and Renée restored harmony in their family. You can do it too.

    BONUS: downloadable help worksheets.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Maggie Lovange (P)2023 Maggie Lovange

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