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Couverture de Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking

De : John Corwin
Lu par : Austin Rising
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    Amos Carver is out camping when he's forced to kill two men.

    To be fair, they shot at him first. But they missed and Carver didn't. It turns out these men were tracking down a drug addict who stole something valuable from them. A briefcase full of money and drugs.

    Just before he dies, the drug addict tells Carver that he left the briefcase just over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. He left it with a woman named Sally.

    Carver decides his camping trip is over and ventures into San Francisco. He plays tourist and looks for Sally and the briefcase. But while he's out, his Dodge Ramcharger is broken into. Looted. All his money and guns are taken.

    Most importantly, his phone is taken. The encrypted messaging app on it is the only way he can contact Paola. The woman he saved in Morganville. If he doesn't get his phone back, he'll lose contact with her forever.

    He soon discovers that retrieving his belongings won't be all that simple.

    The local kingpin runs all the crime in San Francisco. That kingpin might also be connected to the shadowy organization that ran the Farm in Oregon.

    None of that matters to Carver. He'll do whatever it takes to get back that phone. And if anyone gets in his way, they'll find out real fast that it's a bad idea. Because people who get in Carver's way don't live long.

    They're just dead men walking.

    ©2023, 2024 John Corwin (P)2024 John Corwin

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