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Couverture de De-Extinction of the Nephilim

De-Extinction of the Nephilim

De : J. F. Penn
Lu par : J. F. Penn
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    Unearth the past. Awaken the future.

    When archaeologist Dr. Emilia Kaya uncovers a massive sarcophagus containing the remains of a mysterious winged creature, she sets in motion a chain of events that could lead to the resurrection of the Nephilim—the fearsome giants of biblical legend.

    Desperate to unlock the secrets hidden within the ancient bones, Emilia enlists the help of geneticist Dr. Alex Novak, who races to decode the DNA that could confirm the existence of these beings. But their curiosity leads them into the center of a shadowy conflict over the power to redefine life itself—one that risks unleashing an unstoppable force.

    In this gripping short story that blurs the lines between science and faith, award-winning author J.F. Penn weaves together elements of archaeology, genetics, and biblical mythology. De-Extinction of the Nephilim will leave you questioning the nature of humanity and the consequences of playing God.

    ©2024 J. F. Penn (P)2024 J. F. Penn

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