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De : Parames Ghosh
Lu par : Parames Ghosh
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    The novel starts with a stealthy escape of a tired soldier of life, Preksha from her residence - which was no better than a prison to her. The fiftieth anniversary of her imprisonment is not far away. Only after a few days, her husband Prathagata will celebrate their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary which means Preksha will be forced to mimic love only to please the onlookers.

    To the listeners, this stealthy escape might appear to be for a selfish motive. Yes, indeed Preksha is flying away to save herself, because Prathagata does not care for what she likes, what Preksha has been fighting for so long. She won’t ever achieve what she wants, if she continues to live with Prathagata, she would never be allowed to share her sorrows with him and eventually she would look for a way to end her life.

    After Preksha’s escape, we would look back at various dates of her life, what happened and how the course of her life was changed. We will review her fight against boundaries – against the borders between countries of the world, boundaries between married families, boundaries between the married and the unmarried, boundaries between the partners of the same family; because each partner tries to enslave the other partner in the same family.

    Preksha dreams – each person is a child of the World; the World belongs to all her children - all persons. All sons and daughters of the World have rights to live in any country and earn living by serving in the country, they live in.

    As per Preksha, when the tradition of marriages was started, the marriage between one man and one woman was necessary, because of physical, social and economic necessities. But those necessities no longer exist. Women are allowed to be educated and to be self-reliant. Burning of widows has been abolished; widows are remarried again. Are marriages required at all?

    ©2023 Parames Ghosh (P)2024 Parames Ghosh

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