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Couverture de Days of Awe

Days of Awe

De : A. M. Homes
Lu par : Cassandra Campbell, Devon Sorvari, Katharine Mangold, Kimberly Farr, Mark Bramhall, Penny Rawlins, Rebecca Lowman, Will Damron
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    A razor-sharp story collection from a writer who is always 'furiously good' (Zadie Smith, best-selling author of Swing Time).

    With her signature humor and compassion, A. M. Homes exposes the heart of an uneasy America in her new collection - exploring our attachments to each other through characters who aren't quite who they hoped to become, though there is no one else they can be.

    In 'A Prize for Every Player', a man is nominated to run for president by the customers of a big box store while he and his family do their weekly shopping. At a conference on genocide(s) in the title story, old friends rediscover themselves and one another - finding spiritual and physical comfort in ancient traditions. And in 'Hello Everybody' and 'She Got Away', Homes revisits a Los Angeles family obsessed with the surfaces and frightened of what lives below.

    In the nearly three decades since her seminal debut collection The Safety of Objects, Homes has been celebrated by readers, listeners and critics alike as one of our boldest and most original writers, acclaimed for her psychological accuracy and 'satire so close to the truth it's terrifying' (Ali Smith). Her first book since the Women's Prize-winning May We Be Forgiven, Days of Awe is a major new addition to her body of visionary, fearless, outrageously funny work.

    'Brother on Sunday', 'Days of Awe', 'All Is Good Except for the Rain', 'The National Cage Bird Show', 'Your Mother Was a Fish', 'The Last Good Time', 'Be Mine', 'A Prize for Every Player', 'Omega Point' and 'She Got Away': Recording Copyright 2018 Penguin Random House LLC.

    'Hello Everybody' and 'Whose Story Is It' and 'Why Is It Always on Her Mind': Recording Copyright 2013 W.F. Howes Ltd.

    ©2018 A. M. Homes (P)2018 Penguin Random House LLC


    "With dark humor and sharp dialogue, Homes plumbs the depths of everyday American anxieties." (Time)

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