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  • Day Trading: This Book Includes Day Trading Strategies & Stock Market Investing for Beginners, Learn Principle Strategies for Forex Trading, Options Trading, Swing Trading, Penny Stocks, Bonds, and Futures

  • De : Mark Graham
  • Lu par : Tim Edwards
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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Couverture de Day Trading: This Book Includes Day Trading Strategies & Stock Market Investing for Beginners, Learn Principle Strategies for Forex Trading, Options Trading, Swing Trading, Penny Stocks, Bonds, and Futures

Day Trading: This Book Includes Day Trading Strategies & Stock Market Investing for Beginners, Learn Principle Strategies for Forex Trading, Options Trading, Swing Trading, Penny Stocks, Bonds, and Futures

De : Mark Graham
Lu par : Tim Edwards
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    Two books in one bundle!

    Day Trading Strategies

    Thanks to the incredible strategies presented in this book, you will learn the best and most powerful trading strategies to create abundance in your life. You see, most people go through their day exchanging their time for money and having a miserable life which they cannot change. But you are different. The fact that you are looking for practical solutions to your financial problems means that you are on the right path to success, and this book will make sure that you get real results very fast. Thousands of students have achieved their goals by mastering the must-have trading strategies and techniques presented in the book, which go into the little details that can make or break your trading while providing actionable steps.

    Here is what you will learn:

    • The right mindset to achieve and live the trader's lifestyle
    • How to trade Forex, Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Commodities, and Futures
    • How to analyze charts with technical analysis and fundamental analysis
    • How to take advantage of social trading
    • How to manage your capital and risk
    • The power of compound interest
    • How to leverage your position with margin trading
    • Much more

    Every chapter goes into actionable steps that will allow you to set up your first trading account and be profitable from the start.

    Stock Market Investing for Beginners

    Reaching a point in your life where you are ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck and are finally able to start putting your money to work for you is a major accomplishment and one for which you should be applauded. Unfortunately, making the decision to invest your money and doing so successfully are two very different things, which is why Stock Market Investing for Beginners is the book you have been waiting for.

    You will find everything you need to know to ensure that you are able to invest wisely in your future. First, you will learn all about the reason investing in the stock market makes sense, what you need to know to get started, and the lingo you can expect to hear on a regular basis. Next, you will learn all about the mindset that successful investors have, as well as how to cultivate it for yourself. From there, you will learn all about technical and fundamental analysis, the twin pillars of successfully investing in the stock market, what they are, how to use them, and, most importantly, what you need to know to turn a profit. You will then find a wide variety of strategies suited for novice investors of all stripes. Finally, you will find numerous tips and tricks for success, as well as common mistakes that many new investors make, as well as, more importantly, how to avoid them in the first place.  

    ©2018, 2019 Mark Graham (P)2018, 2019 Mark Graham

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