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  • Dating for Women: A Social Bible for Women to Find Themselves and Their Soulmates

  • De : Avery Meyers
  • Lu par : Eric Christensen
  • Durée : 1 h et 20 min

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Dating for Women: A Social Bible for Women to Find Themselves and Their Soulmates

De : Avery Meyers
Lu par : Eric Christensen
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    If you fear that you’ll never find love, and you can’t seem to take control of your love life, then keep reading…

    Did you know that in the new millennium, about 50.2 percent or 124.6 million adults were single?

    But, how many of these 124.6 million adults find the love that they truly deserve?

    How many of them continue to choose the wrong men, and get tired of going out on hundreds of dates with Mr. Wrong?

    Are you one of them?

    You see, most women make the same mistakes when dating and choosing a partner.

    You may even be a successful woman who’s new to dating or lacks the knowledge needed to make your relationship work with that special someone.

    But now, you can learn the secrets known to a couple that’s been in a relationship for more than 30 years.

    Secrets that lead to a happy, healthy, long-lasting relationship.  

    In Dating for Women: A Social Bible for Women to Find Themselves and Their Soulmates, you will discover:

    • How to use simple methods to respect yourself, no matter what
    • Why most women choose the wrong men
    • How to win at dating when you’ve failed most of the time
    • How to avoid bad habits when on a date
    • What most women expect in relationships - that men don’t

    And much, much more!

    Even applying one of two of the methods inside of this book can increase your chances of finding Mr. Right, and not Mr. Right Now.

    So, if you’re ready to meet your soulmate, buy this audiobook now!

    ©2018 Avery Meyers (P)2018 Avery Meyers

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