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Dating Goals

De : Alexis Hitchens Anxiety
Lu par : Chuck Stanley
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    Are you tired of waiting to find the right partner or the one relationship that works? Are you tired of breakups and conflicts in your relationship? Or are you looking for a way to supercharge your sex life and intimacy and enjoy your relationship like it has just began?

    If you’ve answered "Yes", keep reading....

    You are about to learn how to have a successful, intimate, and loving relationship characterized with trust, perfect communication, comfort, and emotional and sexual satisfaction - no matter what you’ve been through or how many times you’ve (been) messed up!

    Have you been asking yourself why you don’t enjoy romantic relationships like your peers? Why you’re never happy or emotionally/physically satisfied?

    Have you ever asked yourself whether you are the problem and what you need to do to improve your relationships? Are you at the brink of giving up?

    If so, then you just landed yourself an amazing guide that has all the answers to these and many more questions. With it, you’ll learn all it takes to have a perfect relationship and the simple steps you need to take to achieve it.

    More precisely, you will learn:

    • How to take inventory of yourself and why it is important
    • How relationships work and how that relates to you having better relationships
    • How to start dating at work, even when some people frown upon it
    • How to be successful at online dating
    • How to build a solid relationship
    • What intimacy is and how it works
    • How to get your woman in the mood
    • The common causes of troubles in marriage that you need to avoid
    • How jealousy becomes a problem in marriage and relationships
    • How apologies should be in a relationship, and how to ask for forgiveness
    • Why your relationships have been failing
    • What you need to do to avoid these relationship problems
    • How anxiety manifests in relationships and what to do about it
    • How your style of attachment is affecting your relationship 
    • How to communicate well in your relationship
    • How to enjoy romance and find happiness with it
    • How to approach sex and affection
    • How to improve sex in your relationship
    • How to have a healthy dating relationship, and trust
    • Common questions with answers
    • And so much more!

    This is not your ordinary book that just jabbers endlessly about things that you’ve heard countless times before or even things you’ve probably tried before and failed.

    This book isn’t about theory, speculations, or idealistic suppositions. It is a unique, practical beginners’ book that you can follow and see value within a couple of minutes.

    ©2020 Alexis Hitchens Anxiety (P)2020 Alexis Hitchens Anxiety

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