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  • Data Analytics

  • Master the Techniques for Data Science, Big Data and Data Analytics
  • De : Robert Keane
  • Lu par : Mike Davis
  • Durée : 1 h et 17 min

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Couverture de Data Analytics

Data Analytics

De : Robert Keane
Lu par : Mike Davis
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    If your business is like most, it is already generating a staggering amount of data on a regular basis. Understanding what this data truly means is key to succeeding in the marketplace these days and if you are looking for a way to give yourself an edge then Data Analytics is the book you have been waiting for.

    Inside you will find the tools you need in order to take full advantage of all of the data that your business is already generating regardless if you are part of a major corporation or if you are a small business that is just starting out. There are currently over a quintillion bytes of data being created each and every day and if you aren't considering how you can make the most of your share then you are already losing out to the competition.

    Inside this book you will find:

    • Everything you need to know to get started completing the right kind of data analysis to benefit your business regardless of what that business is
    • The best ways to utilize predictive analysis effectively
    • Easy-to-use machine learning and regression techniques
    • The reasons why you need discrete choice models in your life

    And more....

    So, what are you waiting for? Don't get left behind, do your business a favor and buy this book today!

    ©2017 Robert Keane (P)2017 Robert Keane
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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