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Couverture de Darren


De : Kumani Persons
Lu par : Aliz Smith
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    Here you will listen to a story about the extreme pleasure of a young man who enjoyed science and loved the study of animals. The account is written as fiction. The dialogue has been originally created.

    What appears in the story is disturbing and horrifying. It may be difficult for some to listen to. There is no attempt to soften the impact.

    This book is about the will of the human spirit to survive. This is an unspeakable horror. As a matter of mind, this story is about a heart that presents first as good and turns evil.

    A horrible, hopeless situation conceivable within the mind turns a man to evil through mind, matter, courage, and intelligence.

    This book gives a sense of mind control, in control, and out of control. A distinguished intern's life is violently disrupted. Inexplicably, he manipulates his mind for his will to live.

    ©2016 Kumani Persons (P)2017 Kumani Persons

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