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Couverture de Darklands Online, Book 2

Darklands Online, Book 2

De : David Bushman
Lu par : David Reimer, Jessica Weyman
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    When Kurt followed his brother into the world of Darklands Online, he expected a game like any other. What he found was a world more realistic than he could have ever imagined. The deeper he delved into the fantastic world of eternal night, the more Kurt suspected that something was amiss. It was only when he found that he was being manipulated by a rogue artificial intelligence that Kurt realized how far afield his journey had taken him.

    Now, Kurt finds himself drawn back into the world with his brother and his new friends, Bhae and Carmen. The war between the powers of light and dark rage on even as a mysterious new faction joins the fray. New zones and monsters await as well as all too familiar dangers that stalk the night. All the while, Kurt yearns to learn what the A.I. Noctura has planned with her new found freedom. 

    The adventure continues in Darklands Online, Book 2.

    ©2021 David J Bushman (P)2023 David J Bushman

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