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Couverture de Darker by Four

Darker by Four

De : June CL Tan
Lu par : Emily Woo Zeller
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    A UK #1 Sunday Times Bestseller!

    The Shadowhunter Chronicles meets Chinese diaspora folklore in Darker by Four, the first in an epic contemporary fantasy duology from Jade Fire Gold author June Tan.

    A vengeful girl. A hollow boy. A missing god.

    Rui has one goal in mind—honing her magic to avenge her mother’s death.

    Yiran is the black sheep of an illustrious family. The world would be at his feet—had he been born with magic.

    Nikai is a Reaper, serving the Fourth King of Hell. When his master disappears, the underworld begins to crumble…and the human world will be next if the King is not found.

    When an accident causes Rui’s power to transfer to Yiran, everything turns upside down. Without her magic, Rui has no tool for vengeance. With it, Yiran finally feels like he belongs. That is, until Rui discovers she might hold the key to the missing death god and strikes a dangerous bargain with another King.

    As darkness takes over, three paths intersect in the shadows. And three lives bound by fate must rise against destiny before the barrier between worlds falls and all Hell breaks loose—literally.

    Perfect for fans of This Savage Song and Only a Monster, Darker by Four will pull listeners into a world of love and desperation and revenge—a world where every deal has a catch, no secret stays buried, and no one is exactly who they say they are.

    ©2024 June CL Tan (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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