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Couverture de Darker


De : Trina M. Lee
Lu par : Sarah Puckett
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    I'm fighting a losing battle with the darkness growing inside me.

    But there's no time for a pity party. I have to find a way to stop Lilah, the demon queen hell bent on making me surrender my blood to break a centuries old curse. With her power bound, Lilah is ready to play dirty. Even if it means killing my wolves, one by one.

    It's not easy to stay a step ahead of the demon, especially with the FPA on my case. The government op is to blame for the disappearance of Kale Sinclair. Looking into his whereabouts paints the FPA in a whole new light.

    Conflict between Arys and me grows hot when he wants to ally with Shya, a demon with his own sinister agenda. But I can only deal with one demon at a time. Nothing else matters when Lilah targets someone close to me. I'll do anything to make it right, even walk straight into the demon's clutches.

    ©2013 Trina Lee (P)2021 Trina Lee

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