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  • Dark Visions of Torment

  • DCI Will Blake Crime Mystery Thrillers, Book 8
  • De : J.E. Mayhew
  • Lu par : Owen Welsh
  • Durée : 7 h et 51 min

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Dark Visions of Torment

De : J.E. Mayhew
Lu par : Owen Welsh
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    Could you keep a secret, even if it caused others torment?

    When a young boy goes missing, DCI Will Blake and his team are led into the little-known subterranean world beneath the Wirral. But the investigation unearths the body of a man who has been missing for almost 60 years. Ernie Hughes, lead singer of the little known Merseybeat band Arthur and the Galahads, disappeared one November in 1964, the night before the band were off to chase their dreams in Hamburg. It appears that Ernie’s death was violent.

    Blake’s investigations take him back to the heady days of The Cavern Club and Liverpool during the swinging '60s. Many of the witnesses are dead and the suspects in their twilight years. But not everyone is happy for dark secrets to surface, even after all this time, and they’ll stop at nothing to keep them buried.

    And why is Serafina behaving so amorously toward the local cat population?

    Dark Visions of Torment is the eighth book from popular crime author J.E. Mayhew and is ideal for fans of J.D. Kirk, L.J. Ross, Alex Smith, and Luca Veste.

    ©2021 Jonathan Mayhew (P)2022 Jonathan Mayhew

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