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  • Dark Psychology and Gaslighting Manipulation

  • Learn Mind Control Techniques to Influence Human Behavior. Master Dark Psychology and Manipulation to Analyze People and Defend Yourself from Abuse.
  • De : William Pace
  • Lu par : Tom Cooper, Nolan Brown
  • Durée : 13 h et 12 min

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Dark Psychology and Gaslighting Manipulation

De : William Pace
Lu par : Tom Cooper, Nolan Brown
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    This course will teach you everything about the dark side of human psychology.

    The good, the bad, and especially the ugly elements of the mind will be highlighted in almost every aspect of this audiobook. Human behavior at its worst may be difficult for some people to swallow, but it is all real and part of life. So, if you have the stomach to be confronted with it, go ahead. It's not a course about light psychology. If you like unicorns and rainbows, then it might be better for you to stay in your comfort zone.

    Perhaps this course will strip you of a certain naivety you possessed before. Perhaps it will open your eyes to corners of your own mind you never suspected were there. Perhaps you will gain greater insights in what's happening in your family circle, your local supermarket, or your country. Whatever it does, I hope this doesn't make you lose faith in humanity but see things for what they are and how they can be improved. There are many good people. This course focuses on extremities and provides us psychological insights. Influence and persuasion can be innocent tools in daily situations, or they can lead to abuse, manipulation, and exploitation. My intention is to show you both sides to deepen your understanding of the controversial differences and opposition that exist.

    This is no small course. Packed together in hours and hours of deep psychological information, you will find yourself questioning underlying intentions, bold but deceiving messages, hidden motives, and limitations of what people do and why. The course is split up into different sections, and each of them will deal with a different topic that somehow relates to evil, deception, lies, manipulation, persuasion, influence, emotions, abuse, personality disorders, and other fascinating and/or lamentable aspects of our short lives on this planet. The topics will vary from individual relationships and self-awareness to crime, marketing, sales, and political agendas on a national and global scale.

    If you think this course is a fit and can take your knowledge of how to protect yourself from manipulation to the next would be a pleasure to help you.

    Enjoy listening!

    ©2022 William Pace (P)2022 William Pace

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