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Couverture de Dark August

Dark August

De : Katie Tallo
Lu par : Piper Goodeve
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    "Dark August is a tightly-paced cauldron of a thriller about small town corruption, murder, and mayhem, in the vein of Sharp Objects and All the Missing Girls. A macabre and confidently twisty debut." (Lisa Gabriele, internationally best-selling author of The Winters)

    An electrifying, pause-resisting debut about a young woman haunted by her tragic past, who returns to her hometown and discovers that there might be more to her police detective mother’s death - and last case - than she ever could have imagined.

    Augusta (Gus) Monet is living an aimless existence with her grifter boyfriend when she learns that her great grandmother - her last living relative - has just died. Ditching her boyfriend, Gus returns to the home she left as a young girl. Her inheritance turns out to be a dilapidated house and an old dog named Levi. While combing through her great grandmother’s possessions, Gus stumbles across an old trunk filled with long-lost childhood belongings. But that’s not all the trunk contains. She also discovers cold case files that belonged to her mother, a disgraced police detective who died in a car accident when Gus was eight. Gus remembers her mother obsessing over these very same documents and photographs, especially a Polaroid of a young ballerina.

    When Gus spots a front-page news story about the unearthing of a body linked to one of the cold case files from her childhood trunk, she can’t resist following her mother’s clues. As she digs deeper, determined to finish her mother’s investigation, her search leads her to a deserted ghost town, which was left abandoned when the residents fled after a horrific fire. As Gus’ obsession with the case grows, she inadvertently stirs up the evils of the past, putting her life in danger. But Gus is undeterred and is committed to uncovering long-buried secrets, including the secrets surrounding a missing geology student, the young ballerina in the Polaroid, a prominent family’s devastating legacy, and a toxic blast that blew an entire town off the map.

    But is Gus ready to learn the truths that culminated on one terrible August night, more than a decade earlier, when lives were taken, and secrets were presumed buried forever...?

    Dark August introduces a bold new voice and will leave listeners guessing until the final startling conclusion.

    ©2020 Katie Tallo (P)2020 HarperAudio

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