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  • Dangerous Desires

  • 15 Red Flags of Female Dark Psychology & Manipulation for Men to Avoid in Dating & Relationships: Explore: Gaslighting, Playing Victim, Blame-Shifting, Projection, and More!
  • De : Obsidian Blakk
  • Lu par : Donnie Lansdale
  • Durée : 3 h et 30 min

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Dangerous Desires

De : Obsidian Blakk
Lu par : Donnie Lansdale
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    Are you tired of falling for the same old traps in your relationships?

    In "Dangerous Desires: 15 Red Flags of Female Dark Psychology & Manipulation for Men to Avoid in Dating & Relationships," Obsidian Blakk delves deep into the murky waters of female manipulation tactics, uncovering 15 red flags that every man should be on high alert for. From emotional blackmail to love bombing, this book is your ultimate guide to navigating the treacherous terrain of dating and relationships with your eyes wide open.

    Spotting the Red Flags:

    Drawing from real-life examples like the tumultuous relationship between Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, Blakk highlights the subtle yet powerful signs of manipulation that often go unnoticed until it's too late. Whether it's gaslighting, playing the victim, or undermining your confidence, these tactics are designed to control and dominate, leaving you questioning your own judgment and sanity.

    In this book, Blakk empowers you to trust your instincts, stand firm on your principles, and refuse to be a pawn in anyone's game.

    In "Dangerous Desires," you'll discover:

    -How to spot emotional manipulation tactics and protect your mental well-being.

    -Strategies for dealing with gaslighting and maintaining your sense of reality.

    -The importance of setting boundaries and standing firm in your principles.

    -Red flags in intimacy and sexuality manipulation, and how to navigate these sensitive areas with confidence.

    -Real-life examples and case studies that illuminate the dark side of dating and relationships

    -Methods to address projection, mirroring, blame-shifting, triangulation, confidence undermining, love bombing, isolation, intermittent reinforcement, and more!

    With chapters dedicated to each red flag, Blakk leaves no stone unturned in his quest to equip you with the tools to navigate the dating scene like a pro. Don't waste another minute playing into the hands of manipulative women!

    ©2024 Obsidian Blakk (P)2024 Obsidian Blakk

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