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Couverture de Dancing Blades

Dancing Blades

De : A.D. Starrling
Lu par : Michael Bower
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    Join Lucas Soul on his quest to become a warrior.

    Edo period. Japan.

    When hunted half-breed immortal Lucas Soul hears tales of legendary samurai Musashi Miyamoto during his travels in the Far East, he sails to Japan to meet the great man and convince him to take him on as an apprentice.

    Musashi refuses to agree to his request, leaving Soul with no option but to shadow the samurai and repeatedly challenge him to duel, in the hope of proving his worth. But things takes a sinister turn when Soul stumbles upon a plot that threatens the life of Musashi’s son.

    Can the immortal rescue the young man in time and change the master’s mind?

    Join Soul as he embarks on an exciting adventure that sees him grow as a warrior and gain the respect of the greatest samurai who has ever lived.

    Dancing Blades is a short story set in AD Starrling's bestselling supernatural thriller series Seventeen. If you like high-octane adventures that combine science and fantasy, then you'll love the world of Seventeen.

    ©2015 A.D. Starrling (P)2024 Silver Orb Publishing

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