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Couverture de Daimon


De : Jessica Ames
Lu par : Oliver Highpoint, Rose McMahon
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    Enjoy this dark motorcycle club romance from USA Today Bestselling MC romance author Jessica Ames...


    As Treasurer of the Untamed Sons MC, I don't have time to deal with a bratty kid. Briella is nineteen. I'm thirty-one. I'm too old for her tantrums, but I'm sure there's something more to her acting out than a late teenage rebellion. When I look in her eyes, I see her demons glaring back at me, and I want to know who put them there. I shouldn't be thinking about her at all, but I'm willing to stand against my club brothers and break vows I've made to keep her, but first I have to uncover what she's hiding.


    I've got darkness in my past that I can no longer keep buried. When Daimon finds out the truth, he's going to drop me and run. I shouldn't be falling for my brother's best friend, but I can't stop my feelings from growing. I want him. No, I need him. He's becoming my everything and I have no idea how to be without him. But that choice might not be mine. Once he finds out the truth about me, he's going to walk away because the truth is I'm broken, I'm damaged and my past is coming back to haunt me.

    All books in the Untamed Sons universe can be listened to as standalones, but are better enjoyed listened to in order. This is a dark romantic story with a guaranteed happily ever after. It does have some strong language, graphic violence and content that might be triggering.

    ©2021 Jessica Ames (P)2024 Pink Flamingo Productions

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