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  • Daily Morning Devotional for Teen Boys

  • 5-Minute Devotions to Win Your Day Driven by Purpose, Faith, and Confidence (Daily Devotional For Teen Boys)
  • De : Biblical Teachings
  • Lu par : Gavin Michaels
  • Durée : 5 h et 22 min

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Couverture de Daily Morning Devotional for Teen Boys

Daily Morning Devotional for Teen Boys

De : Biblical Teachings
Lu par : Gavin Michaels
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    If you want your teen to arise and embrace God’s wisdom with five-minute morning devotionals, keep reading....

    Teenage life is a rollercoaster of new experiences, struggles, and challenges. No two days are ever the same. From upcoming tests to sports team try-outs and big games, challenging classes, raging hormones, issues with friends, and much more, being a teenager is not easy. New thoughts, new information, new feelings - how are they supposed to know what’s right from wrong?

    Through God.

    The Lord is always with them, offering unfaltering guidance and support. In moments of uncertainty, God will give them the strength to persevere.

    The devotions in this book will help teen boys to maneuver through life’s tribulations, as they embark on their journey into manhood.

    A five-minute devotion each morning ensures each day starts and finishes with purpose, faith, and confidence.

    Daily Morning Devotionals for Teen Boys benefits teenagers with the following:

    • Develop Vital Life Skills - Through this book, teens will learn to develop vital habits AND a morning routine that will set them up for success as adults.
    • Time Efficient - Each devotional will only take 5-minutes, so teens won’t struggle to find the time to connect with God. Even the busiest of teens can find a spare moment.
    • Walk with Christ - Journey through life with the Lord’s teachings by your side.
    • Relatable topics - Showering God’s wisdom on a range of real and relatable aspects of a teen’s life - e.g., anxiety, bullying, exercise, lust, social media, and many more.
    • Entertaining insights - Engaging insights to offer more depth of knowledge for each topic.
    • Prayers - Find relevant prayers following each topic.
    • Interactive Scriptures - Interact with memorable bible verses and begin to construct their unique perceptions of God’s intellect.

    Morning devotions are a fantastic way to practice your faith. Inspire teens with brief stories and encourage self-growth in hard times.

    If you want your teen to walk with Christ, then scroll up and buy this audiobook.

    ©2022 Fox Bland (P)2023 Fox Bland

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