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  • Daily Meditations

  • Daily Inspiration, Stoic Philosophy and Meditations to Increase Self Esteem and Promote Positive Thinking
  • De : Layla Phelps
  • Lu par : Belinda Washington
  • Durée : 13 h et 13 min

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Daily Meditations

De : Layla Phelps
Lu par : Belinda Washington
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    Do you want to learn how to turn a few minutes of inspirational reflection into the instinct to think positively every day? Then this self-help book with 365 quick meditations is for you!

    Life is full of distractions and influences, and it can be difficult to shut it all off when you need to.

    Sometimes, it can be hard to balance your own inner peace with caring for everyone else in your life.

    You can slow things down just a bit when you take time for the reflections you deserve.

    If you want to discover how to think positively and become your best self using quick and easy, daily self-improvement practices, then you will benefit from the meditations in this book.

    Positive thinking and boosted self-worth are achievable with access to stoic teachings and daily affirmations that promote self-reflection.

    Inside Daily Meditations, you will discover:

    • mantras, affirmations, inspirational quotes, and guided meditations from influences like Marcus Aurelius and other stoics to boost inner peace
    • the important benefits of taking a few minutes every day to reflect and look within
    • how to practice stoic teachings to embrace gratitude, release fear and self-doubt, and think positively
    • how following daily meditations can help you create a positive perspective with your best self in mind
    • plus, the tips and guidance to embody this positive mindset shift every day of your life!

    Practicing self-care is important, but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming at all.

    You can achieve great self-improvement just from sitting with yourself in reflection for a few minutes every day.

    Learn how you can transform your mindset and think positively using the practices in Daily Meditations!

    ©2023 Karen Boyd (P)2023 Karen Boyd

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