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  • Daily Devotions for Christian Workers

  • God's Work Through Our Hands
  • De : William Gomes
  • Lu par : Erik Sellin
  • Durée : 3 h et 26 min

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Daily Devotions for Christian Workers

De : William Gomes
Lu par : Erik Sellin
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    Discover Purpose and Faith in Your Work with "Daily Devotions for Christian Workers: God's Work through Our Hands"
    In a world where the divide between our professional lives and spiritual beliefs can seem vast, William Gomes's "Daily Devotions for Christian Workers: God's Work through Our Hands" offers a bridge that connects work with worship. This 40-day devotional guide is a beacon of hope and purpose for anyone seeking to infuse their daily tasks with faith and meaning.
    Who Will Benefit from This Book:

    • Professionals striving to align their work with their Christian values
    • Individuals searching for deeper purpose in their everyday tasks
    • Workers seeking to navigate the challenges of the workplace with grace and integrity

    Inside This Empowering Guide: Each day provides a potent mix of Scripture, reflection, and prayer, meticulously curated to inspire action and deepen your relationship with God within the context of your work. From exploring the virtues of empathy and stewardship to tackling issues of justice and equity, this book is a comprehensive toolkit for the faithful worker.
    Transform Your Workday: "Daily Devotions for Christian Workers" is designed to seamlessly integrate into your routine, whether as a morning inspiration, a midday recalibration, or an evening reflection. Accompanied by journal prompts, it invites personal contemplation and a practical application of faith, making your spiritual journey both personal and actionable.
    Why Embark on This Journey: Gomes's devotional is more than a book; it's a movement towards viewing work as a divine calling. It challenges you to see beyond the mundane, recognizing each task as an opportunity to serve, grow, and glorify God. This journey is an invitation to transform the workplace into a place of worship, where every action reflects Christ's love and teachings.
    Join a Pathway to Divine Fulfillment in Work: Let "Daily Devotions for Christian Workers: God's Work through Our Hands" guide you to a life where your professional and spiritual paths are not just aligned but are one and the same. Embark on this transformative journey and discover how your daily work can become a source of joy, purpose, and spiritual growth, illuminated by God’s presence and guided by His hand.
    Step into a journey of purpose, faith, and transformation. "Daily Devotions for Christian Workers" is your invitation to a deeper, more fulfilling work life, enriched by the teachings of Christ and the power of faith.

    ©2024 William Gomes (P)2024 William Gomes

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