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  • Daily Affirmations for Black Women: Positive Affirmations to Overcome Self-Sabotage, Boost Confidence, and Live a More Positive and Fulfilling Life

  • Self Care for Black Women, Book 2
  • De : Alicia Magoro
  • Lu par : Yasmine Johnson
  • Durée : 3 h et 3 min

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Daily Affirmations for Black Women: Positive Affirmations to Overcome Self-Sabotage, Boost Confidence, and Live a More Positive and Fulfilling Life

De : Alicia Magoro
Lu par : Yasmine Johnson
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    How to be happy, achieve your goals, and believe in yourself—even when no one believes in you. 

    Do people look down on you just because of your color? Do they make you feel inferior just because you’re a woman? Do they underestimate your potential because of your race? If you’ve answered "yes" to these questions, you’re not alone. Too many Black women experience this kind of discrimination on a daily basis—with devastating consequences.

    When you let other people decide your worth, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you don’t deserve respect, success, or even happiness. You start to believe the lies others tell you about you, and you start repeating them to yourself. You start telling yourself that maybe you’re not good enough. That you don’t have what it takes to take control of your life and make your dreams come true.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, leaving that negative mindset behind is much easier than you think! In just a few steps, you can begin to embrace your flaws, nurture your strengths, and leave unhelpful judgments behind—whether they come from within you or from those around you.

    In Daily Affirmations for Black Women, you will discover:

    • Nine benefits of daily affirmations that will completely transform your life
    • How to become strong, resilient, and able to manage even the most challenging situations
    • How to stand up for yourself—even in the face of discrimination
    • How to make your failures work in your favor (yes, it’s possible!)
    • What you can do to supercharge your career and maximize your potential (it’s easier than you think!)
    • How to let go of pain and adopt a positive mindset—no matter how painful your past has been
    • How to realize your value, power, and impact on other people (and how to make the most of it)
    • Daily affirmations to boost your self-esteem, silence your negative thoughts, and live a satisfying life
    • And much more
    ©2022 Alicia Magoro (P)2022 Alicia Magoro

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