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  • Dad's Gift to Me from Heaven

  • Proof Positive That God, Jesus, and Heaven Are Real!
  • De : Charles Horn
  • Lu par : Gary Williams
  • Durée : 4 h et 44 min

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Dad's Gift to Me from Heaven

De : Charles Horn
Lu par : Gary Williams
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    Dad’s Gift to Me from Heaven is a true story about faith, redemption, and salvation, and is highlighted by a supernatural sign from heaven. It takes you on the author’s remarkable journey from Christian to agnostic to Christian again, and details his misfortune as he takes a wrong turn in life, then spends a lifetime finding his way back to Jesus.

    After starting his young life as a Christian, the author is seduced away from his Christian values by another powerful influence in his life, and travels down a dark path that leads him right up to the gates of hell as a teenager. As a result of his experiences during that fateful period in his life, he loses his faith and becomes an agnostic.

    His trials and tribulations are almost insurmountable for him as he struggles to overcome the mistakes of his youth, but thanks to a special angel sent by God to help him turn his life around, he manages to survive the worst and escape the influence that led him astray.

    However, he continued to live his life in spiritual limbo as an agnostic for many years, until the same powerful influence that destroyed his faith in God, ultimately saved his soul with a supernatural sign from Heaven. The “sign” proved to him that God, Jesus, and Heaven are real, and enabled him to complete his journey where he started as a Christian again.

    ©2020 Charles Horn (P)2020 Charles W. Horn

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