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De : Tay Mo'nae
Lu par : Leon Nixon, Wesleigh Siobhan
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    Instagram model, party girl Luna Star had closed herself off to love, content with her life as a local celebrity. She enjoys the fast life and didn't see herself slowing down, until meeting Bash one night at the club. What was supposed to be one night between Bash and Luna Star turns into more than what either of them were expecting.

    Being wrongfully imprisoned should have changed Bash, instead he gets out of jail determined to make things right in his life. After two years, he runs back into Luna, finding out a secret that will rock his world.

    What Luna Star wasn't expecting was Bash to be holding onto some secrets of his own. Once his secrets come to the light, both of them are forced to fight the attraction that they have for one another.

    These two are tested in ways neither of them expected, forced to fight temptation with outside forces trying to keep them apart. Find out how Luna Star was able to be Caught Up in His Love.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Tay Mo'Nae (P)2021 Tantor

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